mikroPaliskunta shares two welcomings
04 April 2009,
Mikko Lipiäinen

Joyful buss driver at Las Palmas airport.
Overheard discussion on the way from the airport to Playa del Ingles (mp3)
Daughter: Is there any way we could change the hotel? We don’t want that hotel anymore! Especially because I have the biggest party in the room EVERY DAY!
Guide: The welcoming packet I gave you contains a map of Cran Canaria. The map has also Play del Ingles included.
Daughter (on the phone): We just drop our bags there and we take a taxi from hotel...
Guide: …there is also our holiday library; you can borrow reading for holiday.
Daughter: Yeah, mom has the address…
Guide: …nordic walking…
Daughter (on the phone): We are a little drunk… no that’s a joke…
Guide: …souvenirs…
Daughter (on the phone): We couldn’t get any alcohol on the plane, HORRIBLE place – really horrible place… Okay, we’ll come there then… but hey then let’s not stay in the hotel room, let’s go for swimming and sun bathing… yeah yeah, but then let’s go to the beach right away, I need to test my new swimming balls. Okay, good, ciao! Ah yeah, some amazons… oh fuck, where the fucking brothel you live. We’ll come there. Okay ciao!
Guide: The beach is long in Playa del Ingles and worth visiting – at least the dynes of Maspalomas…
Daughter: What! Mom!
Mom: Well, hear me, I wouldn’t want to wait so fucking long.
Daughter: Why not sit in the buss for the whole life. It feels like a terrorist. Like someone has kidnapped us and soon there will be some towel head coming trough the bus door speaking Latin. Hey, but let’s have the adventurous attitude, let’s be just like tourists… We are so terrible, we sure won’t get out of this bus live… and if we do, we can’t get into the hotel…
Mom: And we don’t even want to get into the hotel!
Daughter: No we don’t! We are on holiday! Fuck! Finally!
Mom: Yeah, holiday begins... but there something fucking wrong…
Daughter: It doesn’t matter.
Mom: Fuck it does!
Daughter: This is the first holiday ever that is a good holiday.
Mom: My friends are waiting for me.
Daughter: Yeah and we’ll make it there. And for once it’s just us women! No men!
Mom: But the bus is not moving…
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