(display "OHAI!")
Puredyne Code Sprint
Puredyne is a GNU/Linux live distribution based on Ubuntu and Debian Live aimed at creative people, looking for tools outside the standard. It provides the best experimental creative applications alongside a solid set of graphic, audio and video tools in a fast, minimal package. For everything from sound art to innovative filmmaking. A code sprint is a "time-boxed period of software development focused on a given list of goals" (source: wikipedia). It is a great opportunity for developers to meet in real life and work together on some issues. The Puredyne team use this technique for a couple of years now and have been doing sprints in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Spain. During a sprint, other developers and members of the community can follow our progress and discussion via IRC and/or stream and are welcome to contribute! During 3 days developers from the Puredyne Team and guests Dave Griffiths and Gabor Papp will work together on improving Puredyne as a tool for live audiovisual performances and work towards better integration of software such as Fluxus. We are working from the 22nd until the 24th in the HIAP residency studio of the Suomenlinna island and you are welcome to drop by and work with us!